카테고리 없음
SANSUI 9090 DB 리시브앰프 산수이 TR앰프중 최고의 리시브 앰프이다 중고오디오 출장 매입 문의처:010-5267-4566 태양전자
태양전자 세운상가 다열134호
2024. 6. 21. 14:43
The Sansui 9090DB offers advanced technology in a stereo AM/FM receiver.
It features a 125wpc power amplifier section, direct readout power meters, an AM/FM analogue tuner, Dolby noise reduction circuit, Bass, Midrange and Treble controls (defeatable), two tape loops and a Moving Magnet Phono stage.
Tuning range: FM, MW
Power output: 125 watts per channel into 8Ω (stereo)
Frequency response: 10Hz to 30kHz
Total harmonic distortion: 0.1%
Damping factor: 30
Input sensitivity: 4mV (mic), 2.5mV (MM), 150mV (DIN), 150mV (line)
Signal to noise ratio: 70dB (MM), 80dB (DIN), 80dB (line)
Channel separation: 50dB (MM), 50dB (line)
Output: 150mV (line), 30mV (DIN), 0.775V (Pre out)
Dimensions: 540 x 182 x 397mm
Weight: 23.6kg
체널당 125W 대출력 리시브 앰프